Jun 16, 2015

Video: Gender Identity Curriculum Angers Parents in Virginia

The following video is exactly why I'm glad I don't have children, because if I did, THEY would NOT be taught this filth & I don't care who's slighted. If I'm putting my children in school, I'm expecting that they be taught relevant material to help them succeed in this world. I don't see how being taught about sexual perversion is helping children. Let some of these clowns tell it: The government has the right to teach what they feel is correct. That's the problem: The government can't determine it's own moral state, so how can they dictate children's morality? They can't because a lot of government officials are crooked. Parents will soon have to make the harsh decision to educate their children in groups (Christian groups) for those that decide this is how they want their children raised. Officials sound stupid saying "Parents won't be able to opt out". First off, parents have every right to do what they feel is best for their children, and if they don't want their kid exposed to filth, they have the right to pull them out of this course, which is what I think will happen. If some Christian parents do nothing, then that means they co-sign their children being exposed to perversion.  It's not about teaching "tolerance", it's about exposing kids to sexual perversion far too early. LET THEM BE KIDS. The government can take prayer out of schools, but co-sign children being taught filth in schools. The crazy thing is, some of these clowns are going to say Christians are being "bigoted" if they speak out against this foolishness. Well, I'll be that bigot since I'm not co-signing this nonsense.
WARNING: These 8th graders will soon be receiving lessons on "oral and anal" sex. Fourth graders will receive instruction about incest. The goal is to teach students about homosexual, bisexual, and transgender identity."Starting in kindergarten, students will be taught about same-sex or gay marriage and the parents will not be able to opt out," Andrea Lafferty, president of the Traditional Values Coalition, told CBN News.MORE: http://go.cbn.com/877**Please join us in praying for the public school system. This new curriculum could be coming to your neighborhood.
Posted by CBN News on Thursday, June 11, 2015

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.