Aug 27, 2013

Janet Jackson-What Have You Done For Me Lately?


20 hours ago
So many of us as women sound like that classic Janet Jackson joint "What have you done for me lately?".....when the question can be asked what have we as Black Women done for the Black Man LATELY?

When was the last time we showed him support and encouragement?

When was the last time you even OPENED your MOUTH to speak to one as he passed by?

When was the last time the man in your life could see that you love him through your ACTIONS; not from what you profess with your mouth?

When was the last time you asked a Black Man his dreams, and goals, and was prepared to bring them into fruition?

When was the last time you laced your voice with caring instead of contempt?

When was the last time the man in your life ate a meal that didn't come out of a box?

Here is how reciprocity works....whatever you must be first willing to GIVE.

And for all those women that say I promote doing "too much" for the Black will always
find your man "never doing enough" for you...because he doesn't have the MOTIVATION to do so.
The last sentence says it all: If a woman finds her man not doing enough for her, he lost his motivation. One can only guess why.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.