Feb 18, 2013

B**** vs. Black Woman

Black Woman, you see that picture on the left, that's a picture of a BITCH! You see the picture beside it? That's you BLACK WOMAN!!!! Notice the difference between the two pictures? If you call yourself a bitch, you are calling yourself a female dog, and that's it. It doesn't matter if you try to flip it, and say you're a "bad bitch" you're a "boss bitch" your'e "THAT bitch", a bitch is a FEMALE DOG! Now if you are calling yourself a bitch, why are you complaining that you can't find a good man? Bitches and Men don't mate with one another! As a self proclaimed bitch your ONLY OPTION AS mate is a fellow dog.

Now tell me what can a man do with a bitch? Not a damn thing! What man is going to wife a BITCH? What kind of future or legacy can a man build with a BITCH? How can a BITCH secure the future of a MAN? How can a BITCH give comfort to a MAN? A BITCH can't! You can't be his woman if you're willing to be his BITCH. Black Woman, stop using this word to define you. A Bitch can only breed dogs/mutts, but Black Woman you have the capability to produce GODS! You can't produce God, calling yourself a BITCH! A bitch can't give birth to a Nation, but dammit Black woman YOU CAN!!!!!

 Before we fall back into our "deflection comfort zone" and talk about what Men do, Women call each other Bitches, Women call themselves bitches, and women ANSWER to the word bitch when called one. Women have turned the word bitch into a term of endearment among each other, and there is nothing endearing about being a female dog. So, we as women can’t talk about the word bitch being used in everyday life, when WE use it in everyday life, we can’t talk about a misogynistic society without talking about our CONTRIBUTIONS to a misogynistic society, we can’t talk about the word bitch being used in today’s music when female artists use the word bitch in today’s music. If we talk about any of those subjects without placing some accountability on the women who are just as guilty, then again, it is hypocrisy at it’s finest.

You're NOT going to be sucessful attempting to convice me that we can flip that word, because I am going to keep bringing you back to the original defintion. I do pray that I can be sucessful in telling you your DIVINE nature, your purpose and the beauty of embracing WOMANHOOD.
My View: It's funny how some black women will flip out on a man for calling them a B, but think nothing of referring to themselves as such. I feel like this, women can't get upset at men for calling them B's & H's if they refer to themselves as such. Whenever I hear the B word discussed on Facebook or in the streets, I say this: A b***h is an unruly female dog; you know what happens to unruly dogs, they get put to sleep. Like Ms. Nojma states: A b***h is nothing to be proud of. Where are the women that will check a man who calls her that word?

Try Before You Buy?

February 13

For all the women that feel that you need "test drive" your man. ...keep having test drives if you want to, all you will do is accumulate a lot of mileage and wear and tear.
When I got my first car and went on a test drive, my Uncle gunned it, he hit the brakes hard, he said that he was trying to see how safe it would be for me, so on the test drive he drove it in a "rough manner", and we ended up getting the car. Not the car we test drove but another one, my Uncle told me to never buy the car that you take for a test drive, because EVERYONE has already tested it, so always go with the one that hasn't been touched, or barely touched at all.
My View: The greater the mileage a car has, the more wear and tear you will accumulate. Relationships are the same way because if you get with someone that has a lot of wear and tear, you'll have to constantly work to maintain the relationship instead of getting to know the person. Depending on the kind of car you want, some people test drive cars and purchase the very car they test drive because they made up their mind on what car they wanted. When you're investing years with a person, you better be sure you can handle the mileage they come with. You can't pick & choose what you like/don't like in someone. Either look past their shortcomings or exit stage left. I like the analogy: Never buy the car you test drive, because everyone has already tested it, so go with the car that hasn't been touched or barely touched at all. When I take a chance on a woman, I want someone fresh out the gate, with little to no mileage because as we're on this road together, I get the benefit of getting a return on my investment.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.