Jan 4, 2017

Kim Burrell Under Fire

Famed gospel singer Kim Burrell has come under fire from the LGBT community for hateful comments about their lifestyle. I don't see why the LGBT folks have a problem with her statements since they're backed up by God's word. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is sinful, yet folks want to say "what about the other sins?" I get that no sin is greater than another, but God's word does refer to homosexuality as an abomination, so y'all can do the math. The reason why the LGBT community has a problem with her statements is that deep down, they know they're living foul but refuse to admit it. They've convinced themselves that they're born that way. If God doesn't sugarcoat his thoughts on homosexuality, Kim Burrell did right by telling it like it is regarding God's thoughts on homosexuality, so she has nothing to be ashamed of.
Where's her gospel family? Why isn't her fellow gospel singers standing with her? They're nowhere to be found, and that leads me to believe they support the homosexual lifestyle. I've lost respect for Yolanda Adams because of all people, she should've been the first to stand with Kim, but she didn't. In other words, Yolanda Adams felt that Kim was wrong for her statements. There's no unity in Christianity because if one believer is under attack, it's a matter of time before more believers start being attacked for their faith. Kim Burrell has nothing to be ashamed of. She did right by speaking the truth according to God's word. She's not the first, won't be the last to be persecuted because of her faith.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.