Sep 20, 2014

Blessing In The Mess

Being a Christian, I hear the term Blessing In The Mess frequently. It means that what Satan meant for bad, God turns it into a blessing. I propose this scenario: A young woman gets raped, and is pregnant by the rapist's child. Rape is a horrible ordeal for any woman, so the last thing she needs is a reminder. The baby didn't ask to be born under terrible circumstances, so it's gotta be rough having to explain the conception to the child. Think about it: Kids are much smarter than adults give them credit for. They're like sponges waiting to soak up knowledge of how life works. At some point, the child is going to ask how they were born, and having to explain that (s)he was raped is crazy. That's a situation that no one should have to experience. Why would anyone want a constant reminder of the horrible ordeal? Any woman would be trying to heal from that, and keeping a rapist's child would throw salt on that wound.
Would I support abortion for a woman who didn't want to keep the rapist's child? Without question. Under no circumstance would I support abortion, but incest and rape are the only exceptions. I realize that I shouldn't support abortion as a Christian, but as stated before, rape would be an exception. No one wants a reminder of their painful past. At the same time, what if the woman got the abortion? That's a decision that carries major implications. Having to live with the decision is to much to have on anyone's heart. Abortion is serious business, we're talking about ending a life. Any woman who chooses this path must be strong enough to live with any regrets & disapproval. Let's say she got the abortion, that's one less CEO, doctor, lawyer, IT professional, etc. that doesn't have the chance to make their mark in society. That's a chance that I'd willingly take because I couldn't accept taking care of a rapist's child. My first thought is retribution on the scumbag who violated my lady in that way.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.