Nov 9, 2012


I'm starting to believe that division is a part of life. Think about it, you have Rich vs. Poor, Christian vs. Atheist, Healthy vs. Sick, Black vs. White and the list goes on and on. Read what a good friend posted on her Facebook page: (courtesy of Jeannine Carswell): All this talk going on about the President & the Congress "finally coming together". I pray that they actually do join forces to get more done. The People come First, NOT your politics!! 
Not only are we divided into Red & Blue -- we are divided young VS. old...Black VS. White VS. Latino VS. Other....Women VS. Men...Compassionate Christian VS. Greedy Christian VS. Atheist. 
Well is this nonsense going to stop or what?! If not, I seriously fear a SECOND Civil War to come for the good old USA pretty soon.

My $.02: Now is the time for everyone to come together and stop all this foolishness. Obama won twice, get over it. Join up with the Commander In Chief so we can make this the best nation in the world.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.