Jun 4, 2013

Apologize For Being Blessed

I was watching Steve Harvey's comedy routine on BET, and he touched on this. He said: When you get blessed, some of your friends will make you feel like you have to take them with you. Now, that's complete craziness because real friends celebrate your success, not make you feel like you have to bring them with you. It's YOUR discretion as to whether you want to share your blessing with your friends. I will say this: Had your friends kept the faith, and done the work, THEY could get the same blessing. Some people are so humble that they actually feel bad for being blessed, like they don't deserve it. Yes, none of us deserve God's blessing, but he blesses us out of the goodness of his heart. The idea of apologizing for being blessed is crazy. One of my Facebook friends has a saying: I will never apologize for being blessed. If you have a problem, take it up with the Lord! That right there is confidence in knowing you have a right to expect God's blessing. Obedience, and being faithful will yield staggering blessing. As you get blessed, you may have to cut some friends loose. Why? A lot of factors: Jealousy-Some friends will get jealous of your blessing, because they feel like THEY deserve it more than you. "Why is (s)he being blessed, and not me?" "I'm doing the same thing they are, and yet I haven't gotten my breakthrough". The statements are ongoing. God has individual blessings for all his children; you're not going to get the same blessing as another person. Your blessing may come in the form of supernatural talents, another's blessing could be financial, this person's blessing may come through good health (even though certain medical conditions are hereditary), etc. God blesses people how he sees fit, it's not up to us to determine how God wants to bless folks. I feel like this, if you have to apologize for being blessed, you don't deserve the breakthrough. You can remain humble, and enjoy your blessing. Or, better yet...if you don't want your blessing(s), I'll take yours!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.