Jul 10, 2014

Grown & Sexy Facebook Challenge

Tuesday, I posted the following status: Some of you need to stop with the Grown & Sexy Challenge because you look & act nowhere near grown. The Grown & Sexy Challenge is where grown (wo)men post pictures of them taking care of business: Going to work & school, taking care of children, cooking, etc. Some of the Facebook photos I've seen are hilarious, and others I can vibe with. I applaud (wo)men who are handling business, that's what they're supposed to do. In my opinion, advertising that you're doing what you're supposed to do is attention seeking. You're seeking a round of applause for doing what you're supposed to do, be responsible. However, a lot of people participating in the Grown & Sexy Challenge need to have several seats. True grown folks don't need validation, they fly under the radar; their actions speak louder than words. If they get noticed for taking care of business, great. If not, that's fine too. Their validation isn't dictated by how many likes or comments they get for participating in this Grown & Sexy Challenge. One thing about Facebook is you learn a lot about people, sometimes more than you want to know. Some people put their lives on Facebook, and get upset when people judge them. I'm a very private person, so I will never post personal drama on Facebook. When you put your business online, you open yourself up to judgment. I'm hoping this Grown & Sexy challenge is just a facade because some of the participants wouldn't qualify in a real event. If you claim to be grown & sexy, it shows in your character. Being Grown & Sexy is more than just looks, it's a way of life.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.