Jul 8, 2021

Today's Thought: Old School Relationship


A FB friend posted this on my timeline and it caught my eye for one reason: A lot of folks want the old school relationship like mama & daddy, or their grandparents, but do they ask the hard questions of whether their folks were happy? Back then, married couples went through A LOT to stay together. Men wouldn't allow their woman to work, which made them feel like they could mistreat their wives as long as they were taking care of their family. Today's couples aren't tolerating what their grandparents & parents did back in the day. This post sheds light on why most marriages don't last today, because the tolerance level for foolishness among younger couples is very low compared to their parents/grandparents. In some ways, an old-school relationship is beneficial because old-school couples knew how to weather storms.

Give Him 15: Daily Prayer With Dutch Sheets

Our God desires a strong America, whose people are honoring him alone, and are truly for HIM. 


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.