May 14, 2016

Plenty To Go Around

Last time I checked, there's no reason for people to be jealous of another's blessing(s) because God has enough blessings for everyone. The same way someone got theirs is the same way you get yours, through faithfulness and obedience. I never understood the purpose of being jealous of someone else's breakthrough. You don't know what they went through to get their blessing so the least you could do is congratulate them. It's easier to be jealous of someone's blessings, than doing the work to get your own. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm too busy trying to get my blessings that I don't have time to be jealous of another's blessing. The way I see it, blessings are up for grabs, and it's up to each person to get the blessings God has set apart for them.
Besides, my blessing may not be the same as yours and vice versa. You know what I think? I think some people want a monopoly on blessings. Some people don't want anyone else blessed but them and that's stupid. I'm here to tell those people that I don't care how they feel, but I'm determined to get every blessing God has for me, and if you have a problem with it, take it up with God. There's enough success for everyone, so there's no need to be jealous of someone else's blessing(s). The same way some people envy another's breakthrough, that's the same energy they could be putting towards bettering themselves. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.