Mar 7, 2014

Never Trust A Man

Tina Campbell, one half of the group Mary Mary experienced infidelity from  her husband Teddy. Last night's episode was about Teddy cheating on Tina. What wasn't shown on TV was her kicking him out when he first revealed his infidelity to her. Anyway, they had a long discussion as to what drove him to cheat. They are currently working through this issue because Tina expressed her committment to For Better Or Worse. Tina's husband creeping showed that you can never trust a man. No matter how faithful a woman is to her man, it must be in him not to violate her trust. Once a man cheats on his woman, that's it. She will never be able to look at him the same again, and she shouldn't.
Why should a woman look at her man in a good light after he violated her trust? That's silly to me and is a cardinal reason why men repeatedly cheat on their women, because they know she will always take him back. I respect Tina's decision to forgive her husband, and try to work through it. I guess some people do take For Better or Worse seriously. If that were me, I would forgive her for cheating, but I couldn't look at her the same way. If I'm with a woman, I want to trust her to come home to me daily (and vice versa). Trust is very important to me, and if I can't trust her, I'm not checking for her. I hope they can work through their marital issues, because they make a great couple.
Tina's marital woes have shown that you can't trust a man. A couple can't be together 24-7 because of work committments. One can only hope that the time a couple is apart, they're honoring their vows. A man doesn't know what his woman is doing outside of his presence unless she tells him, and a woman doesn't know her man's daily routine unless he clues her in. Communication and honesty should be at the forefront of every couple's relationship.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.