Sep 16, 2015

God's Got My Back

People must be gluttons for punishment if they think they can keep God's people down. If God wants his chosen people in the spotlight, nobody will stop him because he's God; he does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. God will go as far as getting rid of folks in order to make room for his people. No discriminatory policy, no strategy, no pitfall of any kind will stop God from doing what he needs to do, so people need to cut the crap. I paraphrased this quote from the movie War Room, where Tony Jordan's friend said: When God's fighting on a woman's behalf, you can hit the gym all you want because it won't look good for you. For example, two employees are up for promotion, one is a Christian and the other isn't. The unsaved person does subpar work and gets along with colleagues, whereas the Christian does excellent work, and also gets along with colleagues. Matter of fact, quite a few colleagues have asked for prayer about tough challenges in their lives and the Christian intercedes on their behalf. 
The boss indirectly has it out for the Christian because (s)he's an atheist. (S)he can be heard disrespecting the name of Jesus in conversations with colleagues. Little does this supervisor realize, one of her staff is saved. The supervisor doesn't think highly of the saved person, but will never admit it due to HR policy against creating a hostile work environment. The saved employee gets a word from God that she's supposed to move into the supervisor position. Once this gets to the boss, all hell breaks loose. This boss does everything in her power to prevent the saved employee from taking her job, but fails because as stated before, God appointed his child for that position. People better stop playing and learn to adapt to God's plan(s), not theirs. No matter how hard one tries, if God wants his agenda, he will get it even if it's at the expense of people used by the enemy to block God from moving.

Disloyal Friends

Today's blog message is about disloyal friends. I have to shake my head at the increasing amount of disloyal men these days. What I mean is that dudes who have grown up together as friends are throwing away lifelong friendships over booty. You mean to tell me a man is going to let a body part come between him and his friend? Some of these dudes make me sick, no lie. You want to know why I fly solo? Mess like this. I take friendships very seriously, so if I'm putting myself on the line to let you in, I expect loyalty and vice versa. Maybe it's good some bros are willing to throw away friendships over butt because they're showing their true colors. Any man that's willing to throw away a lifelong bond over a body part is no man in my eyes. 
Let some of these dudes tell it, "She was fine, I couldn't help it." Really? A woman has that much power over you to where you can't respect your friend enough NOT to sex down his sister? I'm sorry, but there are some things a man should not do and putting sex over friendship is one of them. I'm going to put a spin on Chris Brown's song "These H*** Ain't Loyal" and say, These Dudes Aren't Loyal. Considering how some guys put booty above their lifelong friendship with their bro, I would be right. Nowadays, it's almost not worth it to befriend anyone because some people are out for self. There was a time where dudes obeyed the rule "Bros Before Hos", but I see that's not the case in 2015. Dudes violating left & right.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.