May 11, 2021

Free Money No More?

If Republicans had their way, no one would've gotten stimulus money since the pandemic. Ever since the pandemic began, the Republicans have been against stimulus money for struggling Americans, even going so far as to give $600 to struggling Americans. How long did that $600 last? I'll wait. Biden came along and gave $1400, but I'm sure that didn't last long for many people. Now, there's talks of $2000 monthly stimulus money until the pandemic ends. At the same time, businesses are having a tough time finding employees because no one wants to work. The logic is why work for $10hr when you can get $2000 monthly for the duration of the pandemic? I would rather work AND get stimulus money because I can save the stimulus money while earning regular income. The thousands in child tax credits most people have gotten, combined with the stimulus money, I think most people are balling for now, but I hope they're saving that money because the free money may run out at some point. When the free money stops, some people will have no choice but to get off their butts & work.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.