Jun 8, 2022

Economic Progress? I Think Not

If you make $15 an hour, you bring home on average, $9 per hour after taxes and insurance. Most people work 40 hours per week, and according to the department of Energy, Americans purchase 40 gallons of gas a week minimum. This means after you pay for gas each week, you bring home $4 an hour. Anyone that makes minimum wage, is only paying for gas, that's it. When everyone voted for Biden because he promised wages of $15 an hour, did you think things like gas would stay at $2 per gallon. You now make less money today than you did 2 years ago, and if you make minimum wage, in another few weeks, you will start to pay to go to work Congratulations, your uneducated vote has lowered your household net income.

Copied and pasted from a friend!

We tried to tell ya what would happen 🀷‍♂️🀦‍♂️πŸ‘ 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.