Oct 20, 2020

Alert, Churches Are Shutting Down! | Perry Stone

This video shows why you need a 1-on-1 relationship with God, because the church can't & won't save you. I've talked about this before, and I'll paraphrase: Each believer is responsible for THEIR walk with Christ because at Judgment Day, ALL of us will have to answer for the good & bad we've done on Earth. Other believers can't answer for our walk with Christ. Believers are too dependent on the church for spiritual nutrition, and half of them don’t pray or read God’s word outside of Sunday and Wednesday Bible study. That, and some churches are nothing but cliques. I know for me, COVID-19 has been a blessing because I have more time to listen to Bible teaching online, really spend the time I want in his Word, etc. Why depend on a pastor to give you what you can get from the source? It’s too much shucking & jiving in churches, and by that I mean hooting & hollering, faking being slain in the Spirit, etc.🀦‍♂️This guy is going to be really disappointed because more Christians are waking up and leaving churches because of the secular, liberal mindset of many churches. I'll really keep it real and say technology has made it convenient for people to get the word with Bible/devotional apps, live streaming of sermons, etc., so why would someone drive to church to hear the Word when they listen to a Bible podcast on their smartphone or YouTube? Makes 0 sense.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.