Jan 4, 2012

Content With Mediocrity

My contentment level is different than most people's. For me, contentment comes from having achieved all I set out to accomplish. Many others would share this contentment level. Mediocrity should never be an option for ANYONE, it's definitely not an option for me and why should it be? Why should I or anyone settle for less than what they deserve or are capable of? "It's better than nothing" No, if it's not what I want then I will hold out until I get what I want, even if it may take a little longer. That's the problem I have with many people, a lot of people are content with mediocrity and that's sad. These same people are jealous of your ambition because unlike them, you want to get all life has to offer. You have the "come hell or high water, I will make it" mentality. I equate being content with mediocrity as being lazy; you do just the bare minimum and say "that's enough". There are times where the bare minimum will suffice and there are times where you have to go above and beyond. You never know how much you have in you until you are pushed/stretched to and beyond your limit. People that live life to the fullest end up with fewer regrets because they came, saw and conquered. People that are content with mediocrity are regretful because they didn't take risks; they were scared to step out on faith because of the risk of failure. I've been developing the mindset that mediocrity is not an option, success is my only choice. I distance myself from mediocre folks not because I'm too good for them, but because I don't want anyone holding me back from going after all I want in life.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.