Sep 24, 2014


Pride can be a blessing and curse. It can be a blessing because you're supposed to have pride in yourself, from the way you dress to how you conduct yourself. Pride can be a curse when you're above small beginnings. If you're laid off from your job, and you're looking for something better, sometimes you can get a better job than what you had before; other times, you have to take a job that's "beneath" you until something better comes along. A lot of people say this: A job is better than no job. When you have little or no income coming in, sometimes you have to take what's offered, within reason. I'm not saying take a job as a drug pusher, but if the job is close to what you had before, use that job as a stepping stone to where you want to be.
Let me list a few ways that pride can be a blessing:
1. You've had the odds stacked against you from Day 1, and you stayed focused. You deserve that breakthrough, and appreciate it because of what you went through for it.
2. You're proud of the work you've put in for your mind and body, and you use it to encourage others who want to be where you're at.

How Pride can be a curse:
1. You want the shine without the grind. Unless you're connected, very few people start at the top. No one is above small beginnings. The small beginnings prepare you for your breakthrough.
2. You know you need to work on a perceived shortcoming in your life, but your pride lets you think that flaw is a blessing.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.