Jul 11, 2013

Won't Know My Business!

Seems like everyone is coming out with a Tell-All book nowadays. A tell-all book is a story involving one or more people, and a celebrity. These people give details of their experiences with an influential person. This celebrity wines & dines him/her, they usually sleep together, etc. I don't know how some people can be so open. True, you should keep it real, but some things don't need to be disclosed. Some people are very foul, and when a disagreement arises, they use your information against you. Knowing this, KEEP YOUR BUSINESS TO YOURSELF. To me, a tell-all book is another money-maker for some people: If I sing like a song about what I did with this, that, and the third person, people will buy. After all, people like juicy details. I'm very private, so there's no way I'm airing my business on Front St. Think about it, people have access to my most private details of my life; there's no telling what their intentions are. If you want to test how foul some people are, here's a good way to do it: Tell someone your deepest secret(s), and trust them enough NOT to put you on blast. If they air you out, they're grimy and cannot be trusted. If a week or so goes by, and no one knows, they're legit. Some people can be trusted to keep secrets, others can't. Not everyone can be trusted; it's sad, but that's life. People Are People: They're going to lie, cheat, steal, mistreat you, etc. Through it all, you learn who's legit, and who's flaw. Many times, the motive behind tell all books is revenge. Someone was hurt, so they hold a grudge against the person for years, and all of a sudden: They write a tell all book, and people eat that up. The internet is notorious for this. Some people put their lives on Facebook, and they need to be careful. Do they realize something called identity theft? People steal your information and wreak havoc. I would never put my life story on Facebook, because I have sense enough to know some people have nothing better to do than blast you out, and I can't have that. If people want to know something about me, just ask. Just know, I have discretion in what I reveal about myself to people. Families warring with each other, putting their business on Twitter & Facebook, and people gobble the gossip up. That goes against everything I believe. Work out your issue(s) amongst yourselves, but don't blast each other out. That's not right, and it makes one look stupid. I could not see myself going on VH1 or BET, telling my business.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.