May 15, 2022

Sitting At The Table

Repost (Charity Israel)

Many of you have no clue of the kind of perversion that is required to sit at some of the tables you covet. You better be grateful for God's protection and their rejection! 

All of this…πŸ’―I would rather sit at my own table than be in the presence of perversion. People jockeying for a seat at the coveted “table” have no idea what’s in store for them if presented with an opportunity. I’ve never been caught ⬆️ in a seat at the table because I learned that there’s a cost. If I desire a seat at a prized table, best believe others want the same seat & that’s when the hate & jealousy starts, because people will do any & everything to win a seat at the “coveted table.” They can have the headaches, I’ll be at my own table in peace, watching the savages destroy each other.

Obeying God: Pain & Prosperity

Repost (Charity Israel)

Obeying God has both pain and prosperity attached to it.

My thought: This may be true because it seems like you go through pain before you get the blessing. If we’re obeying God, blessing should be on sight. Otherwise, what’s the benefit of obeying God if pain is involved? Doesn’t make sense, but…I think any pain involved is superseded by the blessing that comes with obedience. In that case, bring the pain.πŸ’ͺ🏾

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.