Mar 15, 2013

Garbage Can Cooch

Tommy Sotomayor delivers a hard-hitting message to women to stop using their vagina as a trash can. That's exactly what some black women are doing when they give it up to every Tom, Dick & Harry. When she goes on Maury to find out who the baby's father is, the woman gets sympathy while the man is villified. Over 70% of black children are born to single mothers, and of that percentage, those births are by several different men. Some women have children by so many different men, SHE doesn't know who the father is. What does she do? Go on Maury. Hell, no wonder Maury has one of the longest running talk shows; because these garbage can women give him his material. Some black women need to understand that THEY have the power. It's their body, so they decide who they let in and out of it. If a woman is going to lay down with a man, she should at least make him strap up. If he gets upset and leaves, it's a blessing because she dodged a bullet. I have a saying as it relates to this topic: Some women are hot & ready like Little Ceasar's Pizza, $5.38 after tax. Ready to give it up at a moment's notice, and there's no guarantee the food will be that good. The baby is the one who's caught in the middle because (s)he has no idea who their true father is, and the mother won't keep it real with their child to say "I don't know who the father is because I decided to be a loose heffer and part heaven for every man who told me I was beautiful". That's too much like right.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.