Jan 12, 2015


My pastor brought forth a powerful word yesterday and his message was Restoration. If you're a believer (even unbelievers can relate to this message), you've walked with God long enough to know that we live in a fallen world. Because we live in a fallen world, unfair things will happen to us at some point. It seems like God's people get hit the worst because God's children made a pledge to walk with the Lord all the days of their lives. Part of walking with God means you'll go through drama, much of which is out of your control. Life happens to us all, and as much as I don't like it, I have to speak that harsh truth. I've said this before & I'll say it again: If Adam & Eve didn't disobey God, life would be better for everyone. There would be no famine, violence, prejudice, etc. God wouldn't have a reason to restore because there would be nothing to restore. You can't restore what's not broken.
Even the Bible states that everything has a season: A time to laugh & cry, a time to mourn & rejoice. Things happen in life that are out of our control; there's nothing you or I can do about it except be encouraged that God's in control. Because God's in control, he will restore to his children all the enemy has stolen. God knows I need more than my share of restoration, and after yesterday's message, I'm holding onto faith that God will give me double for my trouble; I just have to keep myself encouraged in God's word. When my pastor spoke on restoration, it reminded me of the phrase "double for trouble." Restoration involves God restoring twice what the enemy has taken. All of us could use restoration in our lives.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.