Apr 25, 2020

Billionaires Not Paying Taxes vs. Individual Best Interests

Why do some Americans fight for the rights of billionaires not paying taxes as opposed to their best interests? Short answer: Some Americans are brainwashed by corporate interests. The long answer is a lot more complicated because one would need to examine US history. America was founded in order to be different from Europe and the Old World at large. This mindset forms the American Dream, which states that hard work & dedication result in greatness. America is a nation where individualism is rewarded, and that extends to universal healthcare & social programs. The general consensus is that lower taxes are better and that those who are poor are mooches. 
In recent years, the issue has become a lot more polarizing and we're seeing more Americans voice their dissatisfaction at the way things are run. The way I see it is that billionaires get far too many tax breaks: If they give to charity, they can write it off on their taxes. Many of the tax breaks are set up to where the top 5%-10% benefit, and that's not right. Are billionaires deep in their feelings where they don't want to pay their fair share? It sounds like it to me. If you can afford to pay more in taxes, you should pay your fair share. It's stupid to expect the working and middle class to pay the bulk of taxes while the rich get off. This is why it pays to be rich because when you're rich, you get the best of life.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.