Aug 15, 2017

They Don't Know Your Story: Monique Conley

Sometimes, it's not for people to know your story because jealousy isn't far away.
Folks will feel slighted at your blessings because they have compared themselves to you. Remember the other brother of the prodigal son? When the prodigal son came back home, his father welcomed him home and gave him a feast to show how happy he was to have him back home. The father didn't care all that the son had done when he was away, but the "other brother" was angry with his father because he was the "good" brother who didn't run off spending all of his money on prodigal living.
When you take a closer look at the story, you will see that we didn't even know what all the prodigal son had done until the other brother mentioned it. Don't be the "other brother". Stop comparing yourself to people. You just don't know the hell a person had to go through, how many days and nights they have spent on their face crying out to God, worshipping, praying and fasting for their blessing. We can even consider Hanna. I'm sure there were some other women who knew her story, but felt slighted when she gave birth to Samuel.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.