Sep 24, 2015

Facebook Dislike Button

It looks like Facebook users have gotten what they asked for. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is working with his development team to install a Dislike button. The logic behind the dislike button is it lets users dislike others' posts. I can see right now some people are going to abuse the dislike button. Somebody feels slighted by a comment someone else made, click dislike. If I don't like someone's views, I click dislike, and so on. Most people get into it with others on social media, and I see nothing good coming from this. Users wanted a dislike button, and they may get their wish. I also feel the dislike button could be good, because if someone posts a loved one's death on Facebook and someone dislikes it, that could be their way of expressing sympathy over that person's loss; they dislike the fact that someone lost a loved one. I would think if you don't like what someone posts on their Facebook page, don't go there.
I've been on Facebook since 2008,  and I've met awesome folks. These people range from old high school & college classmates to out of state folks. I have Facebook friends from across the country: New York, Washington, DC Metro, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas/Ft. Worth, and so on. What drew us together was our likeminded stance on various issues. I respect their pages & they respect mine. I may not agree with their stance on all issues, but I wouldn't dislike their post(s) & expect the same in return. Once the dislike button is unveiled, people's friend lists will decrease by the hundreds. A lot of people are going to click dislike just because they're petty. If I catch any of my FB friends disliking my posts, they will be terminated on sight. In life, not everybody will co-sign you and vice versa. If you don't like what someone posts, here's a solution: Don't post on their page. Clicking dislike because you don't like someone's status makes you look crazy because they're not changing their stance.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.