Apr 11, 2020

Faith vs. Wisdom

Churches have been affected by COVID-19's social distancing guideline, and many pastors are streaming their services online for the congregation's safety. Some believers are in their feelings because they feel the government is intruding on their right to worship. The Bible obligates Christians to follow orders set by those in authority unless the orders defy God. How is following reasonable orders concerning your health & protection intruding on your freedom to worship God? Last time I checked, the body of Christ is the church, so we shouldn't need a building to worship God. That's not all; some Christians are critical of other believers for their "lack of faith". Let me get this straight, Christians are supposed to forfeit wisdom for faith's sake? Defying wisdom is careless because your putting your health and others' health at risk. You can't take chances because you don't know who could have COVID-19. If we're honest, some pastors feel if the congregation isn't present, they won't tithe when it's time for offering.
Bishop Jakes, Joel Osteen, Tony Evans, and other big-time pastors have been streaming their services, and I'm sure their members give faithfully, so other pastors should follow suit. Pastor Tony Spell of Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, LA has been arrested more than once for defying the coronavirus order. He says he will continue holding services regardless of the ban on large gatherings. His reason is he's teaching his members to exercise their faith for God's protection from the virus. I think that's difficult to do considering everyone is a potential carrier. There's a time to have faith, and a time to exercise wisdom. Now is NOT the time to be reckless with one's health.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.