Sep 22, 2015


If you respectfully pursue someone and they friendzone you, can they be upset for you pursuing one of their friends?

Answer: No. When you friendzone someone, you leave them open for pursuing someone else. No one in the friendzone has time to wait around for you to let them out, if at all. Some people are in the friendzone permanently with no chance of getting out. While their friend is happily married/engaged, (s)he is stuck in the friendzone. The minute there's relationship trouble, that person you friendzoned is there for you. (S)he's playing the role of your (wo)man; making cross-town trips to check on you, cooking for you because you're too depressed to take care of your own business. This is done in hopes of the couple breaking up so the person in the friendzone can slide right into their heart. It would be stupid to get upset at someone for pursuing one of your friends. You friendzoned them, what are they supposed to do, wait for you to pull them out while you see other (wo)men? Crazy.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.