Aug 10, 2019

Post Of The Day: Look Out For Self

Credit goes to one of the most outspoken FB friends on my list, Ms. Paulette Singleton. Even though I touched on this subject before, she said it better than I could've.
When will blacks wake up? When will we as black people realize that we need to start looking out for ourselves the way other races do? We've been the most mistreated race, yet we're the most forgiving. I'm getting tired of black people fighting for others, when others won't fight for our injustices. I can't get upset at other races for looking out for themselves; I understand and expect it. Do you see Mexicans or Latinos protesting about the racial injustice against blacks? NO, but some blacks are so quick to defend illegals. We need to get it together, and fast.

Today’s Thought

  The peace that comes from being in your own world, not bothering anyone is priceless.