Jul 24, 2013


1. Chicago has long had violence issues, so why all of a sudden is Chicago in the news for murders? We get it, mass shootings & murders are commonplace. No need to constantly report that 50+ people were shot & killed.
2. Stevie J (Love & Hip Hop Atlanta) is doing the most. He's got Mimi and Joseline wrapped around his finger. When he says jump, they ask how high.
3. There's a time & place for everything: A time for laughter & grief, a time for jokes and seriousness, a time for grinding, and a time to relax. You get where I'm going with this?
4. Why is it that seemingly all singers get hooked on drugs? You have fame & fortune, and throw it away because you want to puff, puff, pass.
5. It's hard for most people to trust, because they have taken so many L's in life.
6. Sometimes, God will take you through storms in your childhood, so you can become a strong (wo)man.
7. You have to go back 60 years in order to find good music. Today's music is fecal matter.
8. When it comes to food, I'm not picky. As long as it tastes good, I'm all in.
9. Jay-Z, Stevie Wonder, Usher, and other artists are boycotting Florida because of our Stand Your Ground Law. Florida will go on with(out) them. Besides, millions of tourists will continue coming to Florida for vacation.
10. When you say, "I'll do anything", be ready for someone to hold you to that.
11. Some people want the fame and glory right now. They want the high paying job, want the perfect relationship, want the success now. But what seeds have you sewn to yield that crop? Thankfulness and humility goes a long way.
12. Going to the gym is my time to get away from everything & everyone. When I'm working out, I have no worries.
13. Ever since Lebron James said "I ain't got no worries". I try to adopt that motto to my life.
14. In order to prosper, you may have to leave your stagnant environment. For example: If you're looking for a decent job, and can't find one where you're at, look elsewhere.
15. Why are some people afraid to step out on faith? The worst that can happen is *gasp* THINGS FALL INTO PLACE!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.