Nov 5, 2012

I Want You All To Myself

It never ceases to amaze me that when people get married, they're automatically supposed to stop hanging with their friends. Newsflash, your friends were there before that man or woman so to give them up for your man or woman is sorry. Where was your so-called man/woman when you needed someone to talk to? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. If a man is spending more time with his friends than his woman, the problem is HER because a woman is supposed to give her man a reason to rush home after a long day at work. A man's castle is supposed to be his place of peace. Men face enough outside the home but to come home and deal with more craziness from his so-called "helpmate" is foul. Flipping the script, if a woman dreads going home to her man, he failed as a mate. If your mate expects you to cut off your friend base and devote every hour to him or her, that's a red flag. I wouldn't expect my lady to spend every minute with me (unless that's her choice and even then, I'd need some ME time) nor should she expect me to spend all my time with her. The two just aren't possible in today's world. Having outlets is healthy.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.