Apr 8, 2016

Keeping Secrets

Warryn may be toast with no jelly if Erica finds out he owes 7 figures because Tina wouldn't do another Mary Mary album. First off, Warryn had no business spending the advance money because Tina told him a few times that she's not ready to do a Mary Mary album. Erica and Tina decided to embark on solo careers so Mary Mary is on hiatus for the time being. Sony gives Warryn an advance with the expectation of another Mary Mary album, and we saw how that went. Because Warryn spent the advance money, Warryn is torn between going into business with Mitchell Solarek (ex-Mary Mary manager) and his friend who makes money (il)legally. If my "friend" had a proposition for me involving illegal or legal money, I'd take the LEGAL money all the way because I don't want the law hot on me. Or I may refuse altogether because legal and illegal boundaries could intersect and I don't want any legal issues. Warryn might as well tell his wife the truth because she's going to find out anyway.
Why do some husbands think they can keep major secrets from their wives? Don't they know that women KNOW what's going on, even if their husbands may never tell them? Women have something called intuition, or discernment that always lets them know something's not right. When it comes to matters affecting the family, husbands should let their family know what's up because his secrecy could affect the entire family negatively. Being the head, maybe men keep some things from their spouses because they feel they can handle the matter, which is true if the situation is small. Major issues that impact the family should be disclosed immediately because the longer you keep something from your loved ones, the greater the disappointment because Erica is going to feel like she was lied to, and no spouse should feel that way.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.