Jun 24, 2022

Student Debt Relief: Students Scammed By For-Profit Institutions

Student debt relief has been discussed in the news & media, with Biden cancelling another $8 billion for students scammed by for-profit institutions. Right On! Students scammed by for-profit institutions SHOULD have their debt cancelled because it's not their fault their school scammed them, so why should they have to repay loans through no fault of their own? That's ridiculous. Unlike most whiners, I'm happy for those who had student debt wiped out. That's money the recipients can use to start families, businesses, save for retirement, etc. Now...some people are BIG MAD because students scammed by for-profit schools had their debt wiped out. I'm sick & tired of these clowns whining like babies: "WAAAAA WAAAAA, where's my relief? I sacrificed to repay student loans, they should too. I didn't go to college, why should I have to repay others' debts" A lot of student debt relief opponents like to scream taxpayer cost, or they say "It's an insult to those who repaid their student loans" The same arguments are recycled. Guess what? The targeted relief already went through so people need to grow up and stop crying about relief that others received. Just because YOU didn't receive the break someone else did, that gives you a right to be in your feelings over their blessing? Shut up, seriously. It speaks volumes about society when people can be offended over another's relief. I'm sure the complainers got breaks others' wished they received, right? Miss me with that crybaby stuff. Jealousy is not a good look, especially when it comes to student debt relief that others have received. We have got to stop celebrating the struggle. Again, I salute everyone who was/is the recipient of student debt cancellation. I'm pretty sure more student debt relief will be coming soon, and then what are the haters going to complain about next? Knowing them, they'll recycle the same arguments: You took out a loan, you pay it back; It's an insult to those who repaid their loans, taxpayer cost, I sacrificed to repay my loans, they should too; where's my relief, do I get a refund, etc.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.