May 15, 2014

Audit Your Mate

Getting to know your mate is equivalent to auditing them, because you're doing a full background check. You ask them questions about their life history, dislikes & likes, etc. From a financial standpoint, it's important to audit your spouse because financial issues rank near the top for divorce among married couples. If you have a spender & saver, that's going to cause friction because one person wants to have something in life, and the other wants to spend as soon as they get it. I see what people mean when they say "Love doesn't pay the bills". You love your (wo)man when the money's flowing, but where is that love when the money well dries up? Here's the catch, your spouse was forthright about their spending habits; they told you that they don't believe in saving, and you still want to be with that person.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them. That's no different than their spending habits. If you notice your (wo)man's bad with finances, why would you choose to be with them? That's silly. They may have other redeeming qualities, but when it comes to money, you have to walk on eggshells before committing to them. Besides, very few spouses care enough to help their (wo)man get their finances back on track, so it's best to yoke up with someone who's responsible with money. You save yourself the headaches of constant fussing about money. What if YOU want to buy a home, and your credit is perfect? The loan officer pulls your file and side eyes your spouse's credit report. Because you're a couple, you assume their debt as your own. You could still get a great deal on a home, but it may be difficult given your spouse's poor credit rating.
When it comes to financial stability, you MUST audit your spouse. There's no better peace of mind than knowing that you two are one financially. Major financial decisions are discussed as a team before a move is made. The reality is that financial issues rank very high among factors that destroy a marriage, and that's a risk that no one should be willing to take. If someone can't take care of their money, they won't take care of yours.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.