Dec 8, 2015

Who Hurt You?

What's the best way for a woman to win an argument? DEFLECT. Some women have mastered the deflection art to where it's instinctual. Shoot, some women don't realize they're deflecting because they've done it for so long. Go on social media and pay attention to these Men vs. Women groups. The common denominator in those groups is discord; A man gives logic behind his contempt for some women, and here comes the Angry Black Sisterhood Disciples with their vitriol with their hit singles: Your Mama's Black, Who Hurt You & Not All Women. Listen, just because a man chooses to share his disapproval of some women doesn't mean he hates all women, let alone his mother. No, it just means he cares enough to try & straighten her out.
When some women can't win with facts & logic, they can always count on "Who Hurt You". The good news is that some men have become immune to deflection and are STILL going to say what's on their mind, not caring what deflection she uses. Because most women operate on emotion, anytime a man has a valid point and backs it up with logic & facts, some women are quick to say, "Who Hurt You?" She's saying that to shut him up, not because she's concerned. Depending on the strength of a man, he may (not) appease her. I think many men will agree when I say this: A woman who says "Who Hurt You" has already lost the argument because by that point, she's going on emotion. She's not able to defend her point(s) so she resorts to deflection because that's all some know. That just confirms he was right.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.