Jan 26, 2015

I'm Not A Virgin, But My Lady Has To Be One

I'm watching last night's Thicker Than Water when Cyrene and her boyfriend were chilling at the pool. They discuss sex when her boyfriend reveals that he's not a virgin. He asks Cyrene if she's a virgin and Cyrene says yes. That's good, right? Right, except for one problem: Her boyfriend has the nerve to say that he doesn't want a girl that's been with other guys sexually. Let me get this straight: Some men want their lady to be pure while he defiled himself with other women? I need to do some research to figure out where they do that at. If a man is promiscuous, he cannot expect his woman to be a virgin. No woman who's a virgin would want an experienced man because he's going to want to test drive her. He might as well get an experienced woman who would be comparable to him. Cyrene's virginity is very important to her, and she shouldn't allow her boyfriend to make her feel bad for it. Put it this way: If a man wants a virgin woman, he should be a virgin. If a man wants an experienced woman, he should be experienced as well. A couple must be compatible on all fronts in order for their relationship to work. I just think it's hilarious that some men believe they're entitled to a virgin woman when some of them have slept with everything walking. But hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting a higher caliber woman, right? Some men just need to make sure that before they demand their woman be a virgin, he's also pure himself. There's nothing worse than a non-virgin man and a virgin woman. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.