Mar 1, 2013

False Prophets

The Bible speaks of false prophets, those who come under the guise of righteousness and deceive Christians and others away from godly standards. The following paragraph I'm about to post sheds light on a troubling phenomenon:
Celibacy is neither natural nor normal! Humans are not wired for it long term and barely short. To impose it on people who feel called to ministry, straight or gay, is irresponsible, outdated and unnecessary. So far it hasn't worked overall and I don't expect it will or even should. Obviously it has and continues to create huge problems within the Catholic church and has caused painful experiences of abuse for both victims and perpetrators. It seems to me, both insane and obscene, to continue the practice. The present circumstances related to abuse within the priesthood of the Roman Catholic church, insist it should reconsider its position on celibacy and its effect upon, or aversion to, effective ministry and service to the people and purpose to which it is called.
My View: Let me get this straight, celibacy is neither natural or normal? I know the Bible says be fruitful and multiply, but that's in marriage context. The Bible doesn't give people a pass to lay it low & spread it wide; that's what's happening in today's world. If more people were celibate, there wouldn't be children born out of wedlock, no sexually transmitted diseases, etc. According to this so-called Bishop (I'm serious about the so-called term, by the way.), people are supposed to sex anything with a pulse. It's that mindset that's why 70% of children are born out of wedlock to single parents, sexually transmitted diseases are prevalent, etc; but YET & STILL, celibacy isn't natural or normal. Here's a brief history on Bishop Carlton Pearson: He went from being a HIGHLY respected Preacher/ Bishop (used to run the Azusa Conference annually) who believed in the unadulterated Word of God to getting on the "Inclusive/ Inclusion" "religion" train. (don't believe that people will go to hell, etc, etc....) Beware of False Prophets who speak Lies...I don't know what his true point is. He says Humans are not wired for Celibacy. Since the Beginning its been a sin to have sex outside of Marrige. Just because many have done it, it should be OK Now. What's next, Murder, many have committed this one too. Should we take it off of the Sin List as well. Next is Stealing, Lying, Idol Worship, etc, sounds like justification of sin.

Famous Quotes/Catchphrases

This is a list of memorable quotes or sayings my Facebook friends have made. Here Goes:
"Powdering the behind"-Richard (myself)
"The Big Dog keeps hypersensitive folks in check"-Jerome Bolden
"Women expect men to give them the world without a passport"-Myself
"I don't care who slighted"-Jerome Bolden
"The Lightening Rod strikes simps and b*****s with deadly accuracy!"-Trina Rogers
"Plumbing business is booming in the black community, due to the clogged drains from all the weave"-Lee Groves
"Somebody needs to start an organization called Black Girls Act Right"-Tee Wallbanger
"I Don't give two shakes of a rat's behind"-Kiara Williams
"They can't cooperate, they will be replaced"-Jerome Bolden
"If she can't act right, she gotta take flight"-Jerome Bolden

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.