Feb 21, 2015

Wise Beyond Your Years

What does it mean to be wise beyond your years? Depending on who you ask, you could get different answers. I know for me, being wise beyond your years entails having a grown-up, mature mindset even though you're a young age. I used to think something was wrong if a young person was more mature than someone older, but now I embrace it. When I recognize a young person that's wise beyond their years, I think they were raised right from early on. Society will have you believe that you're supposed to do stupid stuff in your youth, but it's refreshing to see more young people being wise beyond their years. Because many people had to take on adult responsibilities as children, they were forced to grow up fast. When you're forced into adult roles as a child, you develop an adult mindset. It shows in your speech and how you carry yourself. What should be sad is seeing adults clowning like children: Gossiping, name-calling, doing childish things. Now THAT'S shameful. When you've seen stuff beyond your years, it shows in your demeanor & your thought process. You have a different mindset than most people. You surround yourself with likeminded folks because you realize that you are the company you keep. Many times, someone becomes wise beyond their years through upbringing; taking on adult responsibilities during childhood. For other people, they had elders pouring into their lives about how life works, and that's also how someone can become wise beyond their years. When it comes down to it, being wise beyond your years is a blessing because you can see things in a way most people can't, which puts you on another level.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.