Jan 26, 2016

Born-Again Virginity

Me & one of my FB friends had a little debate based on this tweet, so I'll post the conversation here.

Robin Butler If you can be made new in the spirit, I'm sure you can be a born again virgin. Now the way some people try to use it, no. But to be born again, that's everything.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · January 23 at 10:21pm
Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson I'm not buying the whole born-again virgin thing, because for one thing you decided to throw away your precious jewel and now all of a sudden you realize your worth and want to save yourself? It's bananas to me.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · January 23 at 10:25pm
Robin Butler
Robin Butler We were all sinners at 1 point. But God saw fit to save you. You think that's bananas?.....
Unlike · Reply · 1 · January 23 at 11:17pm
Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson Yes, all have sinned and fallen short, I get that. Before you got saved, you were sexually active and now that you got saved, all of a sudden you want to save yourself for the right one. Why? What could you have to give someone that you haven't already given away? That's what I'm referring to.
Like · Reply · January 24 at 7:56am
Robin Butler
Robin Butler You holding grudges. Stop. They can give the same thing. Just bc a person has had sex doesn't mean they have ever had intimacy. They just exchanged bodily fluids. Sex is so much more than what people think sometimes. But all in all, it's nothing wrong with turning over a new life. In fact, you should encourage the change so more would do it.
Like · Reply · January 24 at 12:02pm
Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson I'm not holding grudges, I'm telling it like it is. So you mean to tell me a virgin and someone who's been sexually active can give the same thing? Negative, and you know it. I support anyone trying to change. If more folks were open to change, the world would be better off.
Like · Reply · January 24 at 12:23pm
Robin Butler
Robin Butler Yes that is what I'm telling you. In the spiritual sense, yes they can. If you are still thinking world then yes you are correct they can't. It depends on Your mind frame tho, not theirs. That's the trick. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.