Feb 12, 2014

Why Go Back?

When God brings you out of a mess, why go back? That makes no sense to me. Remembering the frustration is enough for me and other likeminded folks NOT to go back. I'm about moving forward in life, and I can't move forward if I'm busy going back in the same mess I got out of. Here's an example: You made that last payment which means you're debt free. Anyone who's been out of debt will tell you the work it took to get out of debt: Reducing expenses, having to work 2 jobs to generate extra income, etc. They enjoy debt-free status because they have no financial worries. If they want to take a vacation, they can do so free & clear. While I hate to see people wrapped in mess, I also believe that if they've gotten out of a situation, they SHOULD NOT want to be in the same spot. I've been in mess before, and once God delivered me, I didn't return.
Then again, some people want to return to the same mess they've gotten out of. Why? Your answer is good as mine. When you're trapped in a bad situation, you're taking steps to get out. At first, your motivation is high because you're hustling everyday to see that light at the end of the tunnel. Once a certain amount of time passes, you become desensitized to your situation that once you make it out, you're like "Ok...and?" It's like some people don't know how to handle brighter days, because they're used to trouble. They miss the struggle, so they sabotage their success by making foolish moves. Some people play games with God by praying for a way out, and when he gives them a way, they sabotage their exit by being content in their struggle.
Don't ask God to deliver you, if you're going to sabotage your exit strategy. By sabotage, I mean throwing yourself a pity party. That may work temporarily, but it will fail long term because people will get tired of you coming to them and you don't take heed.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.