Dec 13, 2013

Selfish & Friends: Straight From My Inbox

My husband now wants a paternity test of our 14 year old son after he watched some show on TV! I refuse to give him one because it's stupid and pointless. Yes, I cheated on him but I was young and dumb then and I didn't value our marriage. But just because he watched some show is not a reason for a test. What do y'all think?
My Response: This is where Maury gets his material from. She was young & dumb, and didn't value the marriage so she stepped out on her man. That's a reason *sarcasm*. Men, this is why you need to be careful who you lay down with because some of these women are foul. There's no telling how many men she's been with; she's listed herself as only being with her baby's dad, but you just don't know. Shows like Maury paint a valid picture about the court system; women sleeping with random men and not knowing who the baby's father is, so she gets a DNA test to find the baby's true father. I'm not going through all that, so that's why I don't put myself in precarious situations. The sad thing is, she doesn't seem to care. He's right to ask for a paternity test, SHE CHEATED! If he was smart, he wouldn't have laid down with her, but that's too much like right. Situations like this happen far too often, and the child suffers. I know I've never been in this situation (thank God I'm not), but stuff like this makes me jaded. What if I meet a woman and we produce a child? Is she going to be honest about me being the only man she's been with? Who knows. I've said this before & I'll say it again: People don't respect marriage. A couple gets married, gets bored with each other and they decide to spice things up: 3somes, swinging, and the infamous open marriage. You're either married or you're not. There's no such thing as an open marriage. Men, keep your thing in your pants.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.