Jul 23, 2012

The Cost Of Being Right

Some people have an obsession with being right like it gives them a high. They will go to great lengths to prove their case to a person that has no intention of receiving their stance. Nobody has to accept you being right. If you have supporting facts for your argument, that's all you need. You've won by default of having facts to back up your statements. People can believe what they want. Many relationships have gone sour because both parties are too busy trying to be right. People need to let some things GO because in the grand scheme of things, it's not that serious. It's ok to be passionate in your views but at the same time, respect the fact that maybe you don't know everything; maybe the other person has a valid point after all. I'm the first to tell you I don't know, nor do I claim to know everything. If I don't know something, I look it up. The #1 reason why my life has been drama free is because I make my points (with supporting facts) and go on. I don't have time to go back & forth with people stuck in their ways. I'm at the point where I have nothing to prove to anyone. As long as I do what needs to be done, salt being thrown on my name doesn't matter because my REAL riders know what's up. If people are stupid enough to believe hearsay, I have nothing for them. How many relationships could be saved if one or both people learned how to overlook some things? Note I put some because there are issues that need to be confronted. If it's a miniscule discussion that doesn't have great bearings, then that should get a pass. It's not affecting your daily life so it's not worth it trying to be right on small matters. You're right, but your marriage is failing; You're right, but your finances are in the tank; You're right but all your friendships are on the rocks because you won't learn to overlook small matters. I guess some people want to prove their right because they don't want to show weakness. After all, you aren't supposed to show weakness, correct?

Women: I’m Not In My Soft Era

No woman should ever complain about NOT being in her soft era.