Feb 9, 2019

Family Isn't Family: Carlos Black

One time for my big cuz Carlos Black for this stat:

Looking at the state of today's family, family just isn't what it used to be. Every weekend, families from both sides would get together and fellowship in the countryside; have a cookout, etc. It didn't have to be family reunion time, just family getting together for good times. Now, it seems like the only time family comes together is for funerals. Going further: Technology, beef & favoritism seem to be why families aren't as close as they used to be. There should be no excuse on the technology front for families not keeping in touch because with FaceTime video chat, social media, etc., it should be easier for families to keep in touch. Then you have families who block each other online over perceived slights, favoritism-certain family members who pick and choose who they're close to, and let's not forget beef: Families who are enemies over something that went down years ago or yesterday. Worst case scenario, warring family members come across each other at family reunion and hands thrown or shots fired.
Honestly, the main reason families aren't as close as they used to be is because most of the elders are gone. When the elders were around, they kept the family together; they weren't for family wars. If two family members had beef, an elder would pull both of them aside and tell them to squash their battle or agree to disagree. There's very few families where the elders are living. When the elders die, there goes the wisdom/knowledge & traditions. How many families have family reunions? How many family reunions are still taking place today? Very few, if any.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.