Mar 17, 2018

Woe Is Me

First, I'm thankful I have my own mind, and use it. If I suffered from groupthink like many blacks do, I'd be in bad shape. I have learned one thing from reading various posts regarding black issues: If you co-sign Obama and don't speak out against the black community's ills, you're in good standing among blacks. If you exercise independent thought, be ready to be called all kinds of Uncle Tom, Coon, have your blackness questioned, or at worst, be accused of suffering from Willie Lynch Syndrome. Here's the thing with me: I CARE NOTHING about being called a coon or Uncle Tom by fellow black people. You know why? I have super thick skin, and it motivates me to go that much harder in my stance. Even better, I'm not afraid to lose friends behind my stance. "America has never been great for a black man, waaaaa waaaaaa" I know that, but black people need to get out of that woe is me, victim mentality because it's not a good look. Other races had it worse than blacks, yet they've managed to make great strides, even surpassing blacks in many areas. You know why? They don't buy into the victim mentality. Did Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X and other black leaders have the victim mentality? No, they understood that the victim mentality wouldn't do them any good in the long run. Black people of today are not the same as yesteryear.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.