Jun 13, 2022

Babies Suffer with Toxic Mothers (((LIVE))) SPECIAL GUEST: Andrea Braxton

Folks aren't ready for this conversation. I've known for a while toxic mothers use their kids as a weapon. Who suffers? The kids. My question is if the mother knew the man was no good, why did she lay down with him? Either he told you flat out he didn't want to be a father or he let you know in so many words that if you have this baby, he won't be around. The mother is thinking a baby will change his mind, time passes and he doesn't come around. Even if he's ordered to pay child support, he'll come up with an excuse not to pay. This doesn't excuse men's obligation to their kid(s) because if you're man enough to lay down with a woman, be man enough to help take care of that child. Social media has given men a voice to express their displeasure with toxic mothers, and I'm glad because this needs to be discussed. Women have been vocal about criticizing deadbeat fathers, but many of them forget that moms can be deadbeats too. Toxic mothers have more leeway than men in the custody system. If a man needs help, he gets the 3rd degree. Let a woman fall on hard times, the government will move heaven & earth to help her. There are good fathers who WANT to be in their child's lives, but they have to fight to be in their child's lives. A father shouldn't have to fight to be in his child(ren)'s life, but that's today's reality. What's worse is the child grows up hating dad because of their spiteful mother. It's wild...it really is. If a man & woman have a kid together, and he doesn't want to be with her, that shouldn't give her license to use the child as a weapon, but too many do.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.