Jan 4, 2021

Thriving Black Neighborhoods


Before I answer this question, I want to state there are thriving black neighborhoods, although they're seldom heard about. When people think of black neighborhoods, they think violence-prone & drug-infested, which to an extent is true. Before the drug epidemic, many notable black neighborhoods nationwide were successful. In many black neighborhoods nationwide, you see the following businesses: Check cashing, low-income grocery stores, $.99 discount stores, liquor joints, hole in the wall clubs, soul food restaurants, corner store churches, etc. Two possible reasons are: 1)Lack Of Financial Literacy. Most people made more in the last 12 months than they did working, & have nothing to show for it. 2)Not Investing like we should & buying everything but property. The most successful black business owners invest not only in their business, but their community.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.