Mar 2, 2013


I pride myself on humility. Being humble is a good look because people don't like arrogant folks; people who think their poo don't stink. Arrogant people think they're better than everyone, that people exist for their purposes. These people have very few, if any friends because no one wants to be around them. I wouldn't want to be around conceited people either, because they undermine others every chance they get. Rubbing their advantages in people's faces, boasting about being this, that, & the other. People want to be around those who are humble, respectful and confident. Arrogant people feel the world revolves around them, and that's not right. It makes me wonder what these people been through to give them this inflated ego. I laugh at people who boast about having well-fed egos because they're proving my point. These are the same people that boast about having haters. Clown, nobody's thinking about you; why would someone hate on you? You're nobody special.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.