Sep 2, 2014

Back Then You Didn't Want Me, Now I'm Hot, You're All On Me

Excuse the expletives, but this was too good NOT to share. This is from Selector Jah:
A LOT of women STAY thirsting over ''ain't shit'' men all day. Loser types who do nothing but party, get high and drunk, sleep all day and CHASE THE NEXT PIECE OF AVAILABLE ASS. They STAY chasing these types of men, while passing up a DECENT man who is actually about something and trying to be productive, calling him ''lame'', ''boring'', ''loser'' or 'gay''.
That IS of course UNTIL the ''lame'' or ''loser'' dude gets RICH from all his endeavors, sacrifice and hard work. Suddenly when he is rich, he is NOT so ''lame'' anymore and after ALL the years of rejecting him for loser, ain't shit men, he is suddenly a great candidate for a long term relationship.
This brother is on point. It's a common occurrence between many men & women. Woman rejected guy who approached her in high school, and while he may be hurt, he doesn't show it. Instead, he uses her rejection to get himself together & years later: He's successful, debt-free, physically fit, etc. That same woman who rejected him is all of a sudden checking for him. He tells her: I was the same guy who was checking for you in high school, and you rejected me. Thank you for the rejection because now, I have the last laugh. Look at you, then look at me. Doesn't feel so good to be on the opposite end of rejection does it? There's nothing wrong with wanting someone with their stuff together, that's what you should desire. No one has time to carry someone in a relationship, but...if you see someone struggling that could use some assistance, give them a push. More often than not, they're not looking for a handout, they just need a little help from time to time. None of us were born having our stuff together; everyone had to work for theirs (even those who were born with silver spoons in their mouths).
It's borderline criminal that some women actually call a guy lame or boring because he's ambitious. He has a vision for his life and isn't concerned with chasing after booty that every other man has ran through. Little do people realize that those ambitious men that some women clown, are going to be leaders someday. Like I stated in a previous blog, a woman loses the right to desire a good man after she rejects him for that bad boy. If anything, the rejected man should be GLAD she rejected him. She did him a favor because that's less drama he has to deal with. He can continue focusing on building his empire and hopefully a sensible woman will show interest in him. The problem is, sensible women are oftentimes influenced by feminist ideologies, so you even have to be wary of some women who present themselves as sensible. I will always root for the underdog: That guy who was rejected by girls in high school for being the nerd; being focused on building his empire because I know in the end, he'll have the last laugh, and the same women who didn't give him the time of day, will be the same ones wanting a good man to do right by her.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.