Jan 2, 2023

Creator Of Term ‘Critical Race Theory’ Kimberlé Crenshaw Explains What I...

Critical Race Theory is one topic that has people BIG MAD, and rightfully so. The only people upset about CRT are racist fools. They don't want their children finding out about the horrors of their parents & great grandparents. Well...they were proud of the racial terror they inflicted, so let white children learn about the shameful acts their great grandparents did. Racists have gotten away with too much for too long, and it's high time they're exposed. The main folks upset over CRT, don't know what it is, so let me explain: Critical Race Theory DOES NOT TEACH OTHERS HOW TO BE RACIST, Critical Race Theory TEACHES OTHERS HOW TO UNDERSTAND HOW RACISM DEVELOPED AND WHY IT STILL EXISTS. America has A LOT to atone for, and until we confront this nation's ugly racist past, we'll continue going around the same circle. Truthfully, we haven't come far as a nation because we're still dealing with systemic racism. Here's some real talk for folks: Black people supported segregation; they wanted to be left alone, but racist white mobs weren't having that, so they terrorized black communities. Look what happened to Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Rosewood in north-central Florida, and many other prosperous black communities around this nation.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.