Jun 7, 2015

Glutton For Punishment

So many times I've heard women say, "I can't leave him because the sex is so good.", and my response is always the same: Well, go ahead and enjoy the good sex that comes with being mistreated. Good sex should never be a reason for anyone to stay in a bad relationship, but the reason why some people do is because they don't know their worth. They think with the other head instead of the one attached to their shoulders. I'm grateful everyday that I don't put sex on a pedestal that I stay in a bad relationship. No sex is that good to me to where I will tolerate foul treatment from any woman. Sorry, but my worth won't allow it. If other people choose that for themselves, that's their decision; if they like it, I love it. I hate to see people hurting because they would rather enjoy the good sex in a bad relationship. As with everything else, it comes down to choice. Would you rather enjoy good sex from the right person or good sex from Satan's spawn? If you're smart, you choose #1. I have to be honest: Some people are gluttons for punishment if they would stay in a bad relationship just because they enjoy the "sex." In that case, they have no right to complain about being mistreated because they allow themselves to be dogged.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.