Mar 1, 2017

Spiritual Apathy

It's one thing to be apathetic, but when believers suffer from spiritual apathy, they're walking on dangerous ground. Spiritual apathy starts from indifference towards God, then it graduates to walking away from Christ. A believer misses prayer time once, then twice, three times and so on. Pretty soon, (s)he is no longer active in their church, but they're still taking up pew space. Even then, it's a matter of time before that believer walks away from church and eventually Christ. Besides, how long does anyone think a spiritually apathetic person can last in God before they walk away from him? I'll wait.
Why do some believers suffer from spiritual apathy? Lots of reasons: They feel they know all there is to know about God/Christ, frustration with their walk, tired of organized religion, bad teaching, etc. When a believer is indifferent towards their relationship with God, that means they don't care about growing in Christ. They're satisfied with praying once or twice a week, if that. They're content with the little knowledge of God they do have because they don't want to dig deeper. Spiritual apathy can be translated to spiritual laziness, which both are the same thing because when a believer is spiritually lazy, they don't want to grow in Christ because it's work. I pray that I never become spiritually apathetic because then I'd be in trouble.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.