Oct 26, 2012

Not Checking In=Cheating?

Why do women think that because a man doesn't check in with her he's cheating? He's your man, not your Parole Officer. That's childish. As long as he hasn't given her a reason to cheat, she should trust him enough to continue coming home to her. If not, she's not doing her job. If a man isn't itching to come home after a long day's work and would rather kick it with his boys, something's wrong. It's not him, it's HER. Please Learn This. No one wants to feel as though they have no outlet. It's usually women that are guilty of this because many men would have no problem with their lady having a night out with the girls or doing something solo. By right he shouldn't because if she hasn't given him a reason to mistrust her (and vice versa), he should stop the insecurity (that goes double for her). Some men know they have something great at home, but yet want to stay in the streets and play. It's not always that the lady is doing something wrong or not doing something at all; some men are just dogs, it's in their nature! I must flip the script with this question: If women know a man is a dog, she lays down with him and has his child(ren), what does that make her? Yes, some men are just foul so that should cause women to be extra cautious about who they give themselves to. I will say this, a real man that knows what he has at home would be itching to come home to be with his lady. Even then, both couples need time independent of each other. A woman can give a man her all and for some boys its still not enough. In that case, she should go the other direction. No sense in staying with someone who isn't giving as much as you are to the relationship. Relationships take TWO willing participants. We all have played to be something we are not to obtain something we desire at one time or another. Some dogs can imitate man qualities, this is a fact. This is what you call a wolf in sheep's clothing. Extra caution is necessary to guard yourself against these wolves in sheep's clothing because they look for a weak moment and once your guard is down, they show their true colors and you're looking crazy because you were fooled by their act. That's the problem right there, he's a BOY and not a MAN. A man has nothing to hide; he understands his woman wanting him to check in with her not because she's trying to be controlling, but because she's concerned for his safety. A boy would catch feelings if his woman wanted to know his whereabouts. This is where timing comes in hand, if you rush into something without getting to know who the individual is, then whether you are male or female, you set yourself up to be deceived!
Also if the signs are there from the beginning, do not dismiss them because they are future warning signs that something might not be right. I'm too real a man to deceive a woman like that, my morality wouldn't allow it. I would keep it real with a potential mate from the start and if she walked away, I consider it a blessing because she couldn't handle a real man. Some dogs can imitate man qualities so it's extra important a woman has good discernment. If you get an uneasy feeling about the person you meet, it's for a reason. Don't ignore that feeling because it could spell heartbreak. Too many women don't pay attention to a man's character and instead are focused on how tall/buff he is, how his money is looking, what kind of car he drives, etc. Those things will lose value over time. It's his inner core that will stick out to you. How he thinks, feels, his drive, spirituality, etc. TAKE YOUR TIME in getting to know someone (this goes double for men). Start off as friends and see where the relationship goes. This is what I see: Most males today are BOYS. Men know how to prioritize. Boys want their cake and eat it too. Let a man come home at 1am, 2am in the morning and his woman is waiting to verbally pounce on him. "Where have you been? I know you haven't been working all day." The woman can indeed be a GREAT catch and he'll still spend more time with his FRIENDS than he does with HER. What are you in a relationship for if you don't want to dedicate time to your partner?! It makes NO SENSE. And if SHE doesn't interest you anymore then you need to LEAVE and stop blaming her when you don't have to stay and play games along with her! I do believe in SPACE though and a life OUTSIDE of the relationship -- so yes, you BOTH should spend some time with your friends. But your mate should always be #1 no exceptions!!!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.